“I took the course work and passed the state exam,” Denise said. There are stringent requirements with ten hours of continuing education each year to keep her license current.
As soon as she completed the course requirements, she opened up shop in Pawnee. Josy Applegate who used offer massage therapy had an extra room and she rented it to Denise. “She had this one room empty. I’m a one woman show,” Denise said, “I don’t mind it that way.”
Denise is from Litchfield originally and her husband is from Rochester. Together they have a pet family of two dogs and two cats and live in Comanche Village.
Calling her business About Face, she said it made sense in two ways, one because her business is about the face, and second because it is a military term making a change, doing an about face, and that is exactly what she did, make a change. She is glad she did, she is enjoying her new career adventure. “I like it a lot. I like the quiet time; it is very relaxing. It is okay for clients to fall asleep. People come to me and trust me. I offer facials and waxing, brows and beyond. It is all covered by HIPPA.”
She added that she liked the fact that About Face starts with an A so it is at the top of the alphabet!
Denise has a special professional product line she uses called Phytocéane. Phytocéane is a company that specializes in using marine-based ingredients to craft superior skin care and beauty products. Clients can get either a hydrating facial, a purifying facial and more listed on her Facebook page. Denise also offers extractions for blackheads as well. Facials and skin care is a great antiaging tool!
“A facial is great for your skin,” Denise said. “It helps promote internal cellular growth. Our cells do not turn over as much as they did when we were young.”
Denise also advised everyone to be sure to use sunscreen to protect their skin especially in the delicate neck and chest area from sun damage. In her business she said that at times she can even alert clients to see a dermatologist when she sees areas of concern.
The best part of the facial Denise said is treating yourself. The relaxing me time that a facial offers is the massage and the hot towels they are all meant to be part of the much-needed self-care that as busy adults we seem to miss out on as we add list after list to our busy lives! Most facials last between 45 minutes to an hour. Facials cover the face, neck and shoulder and arm area and hands and are not invasive.
Waxing services are offered to men and women alike. “I wax guys and the back is popular as well as ears, nose etc.,” Denise said.
Denise is listed on Facebook and advertises locally and says a lot of her business comes through referrals. “Jenny Gillek (Sams), of Hair on the Square we refer back and forth,” she shared. “Josie also sent referrals to me as well,” Denise added about how she got started.
Being part of the Pawnee business community has been a great experience. “Pawnee is a wonderful community. We patronize the town and spend our money here,” Denise said. “I was surprised by the number of businesses here. It is pretty bustling in the daytime.”
About Face is open by appointment. Call or text for an appointment at 217-836-2532. Hours are flexible. For more information and details on About Face, check out their Facebook page at About Face, Esthetics and Waxing Services | Facebook. Prices for facials and services are also available on Facebook!
“My prices are very competitive,” Denise said. Check out the services Denise has to offer and sign up for some ‘Me Time’ at About Face!