“We answer calls that come in and take reports to the States Attorney’s office,” Chief Harris said. “We also go on medical assist calls, EMS and fire calls, and sometimes assist with animal calls as well.”
While they do respond to criminal calls, they do not get involved in civil litigations, and those should be referred to a person’s attorney instead.

Staying safe is an important aspect for local citizens to know. “Leaving a light on, and having a security system like the Ring doorbell,” are a few steps that Chief Harris recommends.
When a crisis comes up Chief Harris said, “Call 911 for the fastest response.”
Sadly, drugs can be an issue, even in small towns, but one item that has helped with the health of individuals involved in addiction has been the advent of Narcan. This is a medication that is used for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. “We have used it sometimes and it helps in overdoses. The Narcan blocks the opioid from going to the brain.”
Chief Barclay Harris is a longtime member of the Pawnee PD. “I started back in 1995,” he shared. “I first worked in Palmyra after graduating from the University of Illinois Police Training program, then I was hired in Pawnee.”
Besides Chief Harris, the department also has Officer Eric Bertoni, who works on a range of qualifications and certificates, and trains officers on tasers and other equipment. Officer Bertoni, along with Officer Corey Reynolds work with the Pawnee School System. Officer Clyde Ros also works with equipment maintenance and is the key officer that has successfully negotiated several equipment acquisitions for the department. Officer Josh Ibberson is a new patrol officer that is a whiz on the computer and with scheduling. Officer Dave Peddycoart is also a patrolman that has experience with DUI and drug.
Along with this competent staff, there are also five part-time offices as well.
At the Pawnee School, an officer is present every day. Chief Harris said they want to increase community involvement at all levels, and this includes the school. Currently officers are present at student recognition programs, they read to the kindergartners, provide security for the games, and more!

Part of the job of Pawnee PD is to keep up with maintenance of their building and equipment. “We try to keep up with new improvements,” Chief Harris said. “We recently received new AED’s and tasers.”
Working with local citizens is a very important aspect of the goals of the Pawnee Police Department. “We have good community support, and plan to move forward with more communication.”
In the future, they plan on having a Bicycle Rodeo, and a First Responder Night in conjunction with the Pawnee responders, and Fire Department.
Things are always changing and require the department to keep up with new regulations and state mandates. Chief Harris said that more training is required for officers these days and that keeping up with it can be a job.
New transportation is always coming on the scene like the increase in golf carts and the use of electric bicycles. If using any of these conveyances, be sure to follow local traffic laws, and check in to see if there are any additional requirements from the Village. Golf carts require an online training course and a sticker.
The Pawnee community is grateful for the time and energy that the officers put in to protect and keep the residents of the Village safe and secure. For more information on the Pawnee Police Department, check out their Facebook page, or their website. The non-emergency phone number for the Pawnee PD is (217) 753-6666.