Pawnee Health Club offering fitness locally!
By Cindy Ladage
Joe Walters has a new office, just off Pawnee’s Square. This busy chiropractor has moved into a larger setting, from his smaller location along Route 104. With the new extra space, he is offering gym membership, workout classes and selling nutritional supplements. “When this space came open and it was bigger, I thought I would put the chiropractic up front, and exercise
equipment in back.”
Putting down new cushioned flooring, the space didn’t require much. He moved in with the exercise equipment and was ready to roll. For Joe Walters, everything he does in his practice is to work towards fitness for his clients whether working as a doctor, or as a fitness trainer. “I have a background in personal training,” he said sharing that his bachelor’s degree is in Exercise Science. “I went to Edwardsville, and got my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, then went to Logan University and got my Doctorate in Chiropractic in 2015.”
Only in his new digs for three months, Joe said he has been trying out classes in small groups on Monday evenings from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. He is offering Christmas and New Years deals for those that want to purchase a gym membership or take workout classes. The classes are set up in a circuit style. “There are eight exercises, and they are timed, then you go on to the next station.”
In his classes, and at the gym, he works with kettle balls, Bosu balls, and he has a padded box that can be used in a variety of ways. He shares that how the exercise circuit is used depends on the user’s fitness level. “I also have cardiac and weight machines.” Along with these options, he also has bands, a squat rack and more.
“Most of my exercises are for beginners to intermediate users,” he said. He emphasized the importance of strength exercises. “Skeletal muscles are important for blood sugar, and as you get older, it is needed for general mobility. When you lose strength in your knees, it is easy to fall. People underestimate the importance of muscle strength. Improved muscle quality will increase muscle mass, and you don’t have to be a bodybuilder.”
The best way to learn how to use the exercise equipment he said is to take the workout classes, prior to working out in the gym. For those able to come to the gym during his office hours he is available to answer questions about the gym and how to use the equipment. He is also open to appointments as well.
For the Pawnee Health Club, Joe Walters said there are two options. 1) Workout classes, 2) Membership. “People come and go as they please. The reason I run the classes is to give experience with the equipment at each station you learn how to use the equipment, and I can show the best way to do the exercise.”
For those that can’t make the classes, or are not available during Joe’s work hours, he plans to film himself doing the exercises, and make the videos available on Instagram and Facebook, so the user can see how to do the exercises properly. “I hope to add a few other days and an occasional Saturday,” Joe said about expanding the class options.
Classes cost $10 for a single class, and he offers bulk packages as well. For five classes, the cost is $7.00 a class, and for a ten pack, classes are $5.00 each. Besides his office in Pawnee, Joe also offers chiropractic services and has a martial arts studio in Edwardsville.
Gym memberships begin in January, and members can work out between 5 am and 10 pm Monday through Sunday. For those that need a bit of nutritional assistance, he also has protein powder supplements to assist with joint health.
For questions about the new Pawnee Health Club, call 217-836-6855 of text him. You can also message him from Facebook or Instagram. This new addition to the Village of Pawnee offers local fitness options without leaving town. Joe mentioned how great this was for those working from home, and others that don’t want to head to the city for a workout. Check out this new addition, it is a great way to stick to those New Year’s health resolutions!