Pawnee Community Educational Foundation
Pawnee Community School District #11
810 N. Fourth Street
Pawnee, Illinois 62558-9680
(217) 625-2471
Foundation Mission
It is the purpose of the Pawnee Community Educational Foundation to support the Pawnee Community School District in providing; quality educational opportunities to its students.
The Foundation is strongly committed to increasing efforts to support the district. Public funds support educational programs, but a solid financial base must be developed to support the district in maintaining and advancing the quality of education. It is the goal of the Foundation to seek and secure charitable gifts in order to provide the best education possible for our students. Your charitable contribution will allow the Foundation to expand services and improve the quality of education.Since 1998 the Foundation has provided funding for three types of scholarships: Illinois State Scholars, provided by the Illinois State Board of Education based upon ACT scores, class rank, etc; Foundation Scholarship, open to any student attending a recognized college/university; and the Frances and Curtiss Hoppin Trust Scholarship based upon financial need and performance.
Why Should you give to the Foundation?
Private gifts provide flexibility that will allow the Foundation to help provide creative and innovative programs that support the Pawnee Community School District. Maintaining the quality of education requires new sources of support. The Foundation is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to raise and receive charitable gifts and provide financial support to the educational programs and services at the Pawnee School District. All gifts to the Pawnee Community Educational Foundation are tax deductible, as allowed by law.
There is a great need for such things as scholarship assistance, learning materials and specialized equipment.All gifts made to the Pawnee Community Educational Foundation will remain in the Pawnee School District.
You Can Make a Difference!
The establishment of the Pawiee Community Educational Foundation u as made possible by a generous bequest from the estate of Earl “Sox” Sanders. the thank the Sanders family for their support.
How can you help?
Whether you plan to make a gift to the General Operating Fund, the Scholarship support Fund, a Planned Gift, or a Memorial & Tribute Gift, you will be providing important support to the advancement of education while making an exciting difference for the students in the Pawnee Community School District.
General Operating Fund
Gifts made to this fund will be used where the needs are the greatest, as determined by the Board of Directors.
Scholarship Support
Gifts can be directed to this fund to benefit those who need assistance. These funds will be used exclusively for scholarships to be given by the Foundation. The Board of Directors will assist the contributor in determining particular guidelines for each scholarship.
Planned Gift
These gifts can be made for any purpose and in any amount. Usually, a planned gift is much larger than other gifts and is done through estate planning. These gifts may provide tax benefits and you should consult your tax advisor. These gifts may be made through provisions in one’s will and make it possible to provide a planned gift while one is still living through insurance and charitable remainder trusts.
Memorials & Tributes
The Foundation graciously welcomes memorials and tributes to honor those who are or were special in your life.