No Knock List

Opt out of Door-to-Door Solicitation

The No Knock List was created to allow Village of Pawnee residents to opt out of door-to-door solicitation and sales. Solicitors are prohibited from visiting residents who registered with the Village of Pawnee No Kock List.

New Registration

  1. Register your home address online, over the phone at 217-625-2941, or in the Village Office at 617 7th Street.
  2. Please note, if your address is not within the Village of Pawnee municipal boundaries, the No Knock ordinance is not applicable, and your request will not be fulfilled.

Village Ordinance 2-4-2 prohibits solicitors from knocking on your door if

  • Your address is registered for the No Knock List


  • You have posted a “No Soliciting” sign (Available at Village Office)

Solicitor definition

A solicitor is any person attempting to make contact with the purpose of selling goods or services, whether or not the goods or services are actually delivered at the time of sale. Solicitors are required to:

  • Apply for a Solicitor’s License the Village
  • Have a valid business or contractor’s license
  • Announce name and Identify Product at each residence
  • Comply with the No Knock regulations

Information for Police Department

Any issues with a solicitor not following the guidelines of this Ordinance may be reported to Pawnee Police at 217-625-2341. Please contact Police, if possible, while the solicitor is still in your neighborhood, and have the following information collected to relay to them.   

  • Individual or business name from solicitor badge
  • Type of vehicle driven
  • License plate number